We think Bea looks like the essential "HouseFrau" in this picture. I can't claim that term - in fact Grandpa Matt on occassion referred to our midwife as "the HouseFrau." Which still cracks us up everytime we recall him calling the midwife that.
Here's a few pics of Bea with her NanniePappy at the Ironhorse and then on the Missoula Carousel. Perfect day in Bea's world.
Finally, on a separate note, I have fully enlisted and brainwashed Frau to help campaign for Hillary. George has squashed my hopes of turning Bea in a HillGirl. Won't have it. Won't really even let me talk about it. So, I may have to do so here. Go Hillary!!!! Ollie & I are pulling for you on SuperTuesday!!!
If she gets the vote, Bea will be able to thank me in the long run when she's able to earn as much as her male counterparts without having to work twice as hard to earn less. And YES that is still the case. I'm rooting for Bea to be able to work in an environment where she's a part of the 'Good ol' Girls' Club" who goes to the winebar to conduct business instead of the 'country club' where she's not even welcome. Where Bea can choose whether to be a HouseFrau, mother or successful working woman and her choices will not be considered mutually exclusive. Where she grows up in a society that values helping each other, not helping herself. (On that note, kudos to Max Baucus for attempting to re-work the tax rebate to include the elderly and unemployed - it's not going to kill any of us to forfeit $100 to help someone else). And where her generation will be the fortunate recipients of a clean energy revolution.

So for now, Frau & I will be proudly touting our Hill-aphenalia and working our asses (and curled up tails) off to get her the bid. And for all you Hill-haters, if by chance you are offended, just go ahead and close the webpage. And for those of you who are intelligent enough to look past the smut associated with her husband and the GOP propoganda bullshit - go check out her positions on the issues: http://www.hillaryclinton.com/ And if you are inspired - donate or volunteer.
1 comment:
Go Barack!
: )
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