Here's the run down:
Sunday: Bea comes down with a NASTY case of the stomach flu and was a little wet dishrag on the couch all day with Mom cleaning up quantites of vomit. Meanwhile, Daddy & Ollie go for a day-long snowshoe adventure with Chris Tenny & Co.
Monday: Bea stays home with Dad due to the flu.
Tuesday: While practicing her "ballerina dance" Bea eats shit and lands on her ladybug tea set from her Nannie, thereby sustaining a "buckle fracture" to her forearm. Off to the First Care center we go for x-rays, splint, etc... We officially dub her with a broken wing.
Wednesday: Mom stays home with Bea and follows up with the orthopedist to find out....permanent cast is in the forecast once the swelling goes down. Nannie comes down to help Mom w/ Bea. Mom prepares for depos in Butte, gets Bea ready for her Valentine's Day party the next day, and gets the family packed for the trip to Salt Lake City - leaving Friday. Mom then has to leave for Butte, for depositions.
Thursday: BeaMom kicks some serious ass during depos, Bea & Dad drive to Butte to spend the night before leaving for Salt Lake City. Mom, Dad & Bea spend Valentine's evening at the Hampton Inn in Butte. We decide to make the most of our romantic suite and the 3 of us pile into the whirlpool in the bathroom for a big, huge, giant Valentine's day bubble bath complete with whirlpool jets. Top that off with boxed wine and Bud Light from the convenience store across the street. Hey, there was lots of love to go around on Valentine's Day, all we were missing was Puggy. That night Bea gets a 2nd bout of the flu, or else ate too much Valentine's candy, and throws up massive amounts of vomit twice in the hotel.
Friday: Get up bright and early - assess Bea - she appears fine. We hit the road for SLC. But first stop in Dillon for the legendary Patagonia sale. Too much money later, we head out covered from head to toe in Capeline and fleece. Drive like bat-shit crazy to SLC. Check into the Little America Hotel (our favorite place to stay in SLC). Bea & I get gussied up - Big Daddy G takes us to dinner at Romano's Macaroni Grill, where the three of us truly enjoyed ourselves. We take the light rail back to the hotel, get bundled up, then catch a 8:30 carriage ride of downtown SLC & around Temple Square. So, so, so, fun. 3 of us bundled under about 5 wool blankets snuggled in and taking in the sights of SLC at night. wonderful. Then to bed - finally.
Saturday: Get up, work out, drink coffee, go see Grandma Dode at St. Joseph's. Grandma Dode is George's grandmother who is 94. She was the reason for our visit. She didn't look a day older than when I met her 11 years ago. She was dressed to the nines in black slacks, nylons, dress shoes, crisp white button up blouse, brooch, Norweigian sweater, earrings, hair coiffed and lipstick. It was wonderful to see her so well. We ate lunch w/ her at her assisted living center, and stayed for about 3 hours hearing all about family history. It was a really great experience. We look forward to seeing her again soon. Then we left, Bea slept, George carted me around to go shopping at Ann Taylor and the like, back to the hotel for Bea & I to swim. George headed back to have dinner with Grandma Dode and his aunt Mary Ev. Meanwhile Bea & I lounged around, drank hot chocolate, primped, preened then waited for Big Daddy G to come back and take us out on the town. Daddy came back w/ Mary Ev, we went to great pub, ate, drank then fell into bed.
Sunday: Got up at the ass crack of dawn and hit the road. Drove like mad, and finally made it home. Went for a nice, loooooong walk, came back and ended the week with a hurrah at Blue Canyon Grill. What a week.
Bea goes in on Tues to get a permanent cast. She's doing great and not really in any pain. I feel so bad for her though b/c she's so tiny and she really does remind me of a little bird with a broken wing. :( But she's been getting tons and tons of TLC from us.
Anyway, I have tomorrow off, then on Wednesday have to head over to Great Falls for work. Blech. I just want to stay home. Well, here's some pics of our week-long trials and adventures.
Sunday: Bea recovering from the stomach flu. Note the yellow puke bowl next to her.
Puggy recovering from a long day of Snowshoeing with Fashja
Bea with her broken wing all wrapped up in plastic for the Valentine's bubble bath in Butte.
Bea & Daddy enjoying hot chocolate at the Hampton Inn after the "Bubble Bath."
Mommy & Bea outside the Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City
Daddy & Bea after a big, hearty dinner at the Macaroni Grill in SLC.
Hi there - I found your blog via way of Kristy W.
Sorry to hear about Bea's broken wing. My son had a broken leg several years ago and I wanted to tell you there are cast covers out there that are worth their weight in vinyl. Here's the one we bought (we actually found it at the local med supply store where they sell wheelchairs, etc., but ask your orthoped-person if they know where you could get one):
It was a very simple design with a small hole that you stretched open and slid over the cast and arm(leg) - but don't plan on leaving it on for long periods of time unless you want the arm to fall off. It's REALLY waterproof.
Good luck! They heal SOOOOO fast. She be back to handstands in no time flat. :)
Can she do handstands yet?
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