That is what George taught Bea to call me. And does she ever. "Ma Po Po!"
What would cause George to create this name for me?
Because George lets her jump on the bed; I do not.
George lets her eat Krispy Kremes; I do not.
George lets her play with Magic Markers, unattended; I do not.
So when he's in our bedroom jumping on the bed with her, and I enter the room, George exclaims in his best southern drawl:
"Uh-oh Powerskeet! It's the poe-lice! It's Ma poe-lice man! It's Ma Po Po!! Can you say Ma Po Po?"
Mapopo. Mapopo. Mapopo. Mapopo.
Ok, so here's the kicker. Bea had a really, really rough day today. Everything was just pissing her off. Tonight I was with her downstairs and she's chirping, "MaPoPo" over and over. Simultaneously, I take my water bottle away from her. Bea hollers: "No, no, no Ma Po Po!!" with a feigned scowl on her face.
Seriously. It's getting to the point where Puggy is the most sane individual in this household.
On another note, I think we finally secured a nanny to babysit on Th/Fr while Georgie is away. We hired Big Sky Nanny Service to help us in our quest; they happily charged us a hefty fee and then gave us complete shit applications. Here is a real example of one girl:
19 years old
no childcare experience
Was fired from IHOP & Target, arrested from Target at her discharge for stealing.
Admits on her application to drinking weekly; has been arrested for an MIP.
Ma Po Po had a little chitty-chat with the Nanny Service today.
Honestly, WTF??!!! Not to mention we hired this service almost two months ago, and were left the week George left with no childcare. However, we appear to have found ourselves, what seems to be, a very good, reliable babysitter, no thanks to the nanny service. Hopefully nothing falls through. This whole childcare situation makes me feel like crap and a failure for not being able to just stay home with my baby more often. I feel so guilty just trying to "find" people to watch her. This week she has four different people watching her. We're always trying to piece together babysitting and it drives us mad.
She just has a hard time sometimes when George & I aren't with her. She tends to get absolutely wild by the time we arrive home and she's craving our attention so bad that she has a tendency to act out. Poor little thing, she's the best kiddo ever. We just love her so much.
Anyway, talked with my sweetie tonight. He's hangin' in there and still trying to run certain parts of our household from his cell phone in Helena. Miss his company and presence so much. It's amazing how fulfilled our lives are together. Feels pretty empty without him after Bea goes to bed. Amen for Frau.

3 more days until our favorite, #1 Daddy comes home!!!! Love you dearly Babes.
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