George's arrival at home last Friday was far more thrilling for Bea than a visit from the Easter Bunny. He was the highlight of her weekend. Her Nannay taking a close, I mean very close, second.
Prior to that, last Weds Chowds and I had a particularly fun day. She dressed herself up in her riding gear and we biked downtown, hit Go Fetch to get treats for Ollie, Bella Sauvage, lunch at the Catalyst together and spent some time playing at Dragon's Hollow. She's hilarious now. She has a tendency to pick out one particular item of clothing to complete her outfit for the day. Last Wed it was a hat she used to wear as an infant. She insisted on cramming her Skeet head into it, then topped off the look with sunglasses.
We came home to a Easter package from Grandma (Mamaw) and Grandpa (PaPa) complete with chocolate eggs and bunny ears. I had to strap Bea into her carseat to get her to put the ears on for the first time. But then she warmed up to them, put them on and hopped around the house like a Bunnn-neee!!
Thankfully Nannie came on Friday to babysit Bea. Bea loves her so much that I actually got snubbed in favor of her Nannie. Here's why, I come home to find Bea sitting in her high chair eating ham for lunch while my mom is giving her footrubs. Seriously. My mom would finish with one foot and Bea would automatically stick out her other foot for another rub. Nothing like ham and foot massage before your nap. She also adores my mom because my mom actually slept in a blow-up Elmo toddler bed on Bea's bedroom floor with Bea.
Poor Bea was fairly confused when my mom left. Of course she's just generally confused about people leaving. The Thursday night before G got home Bea heard my mom talking about her dog Bella. Bea had a complete emotional breakdown crying, "Bellya, Bellya, Bellya..." She knew she missed someone (George) but couldn't quite figure out who she missed.
George made it home without incident on Friday. We went out to dinner at the Bridge then went to bed. Bea throughly enjoyed snuggling with her dad. She spent that morning doing yardwork/gardening with him moving piles of dirt from one corner of the yard to another.
We ended up celebrating Easter a day early; so that Sat afternoon we went to my Aunt Laura's house for Easter dinner. Bea and Gabe had a blast hunting eggs. Bea even hopped on a tricyle and hunted eggs on wheels. Egg hunting proved to be an instant hit which kept them busy while we at deviled eggs and drank wine.
Here's little precious pants just prior to the hair-pulling; egg snatching; trike-riding for advantage; who's basket is the fullest Egg Hunt.
George & I snuck away from Easter dinner to attend Elizabeth & Shawn's joint 30th birthday party. It was a good time: copious amounts of hot wings and a keg to boot.
Next morning Bea was mildly excited about her Easter basket, whereas Oliver was ecstatic about his basket. Frau wasted no time snarfing and scarfing down all his basket treats, including some Easter grass which I discovered the next day while walking him. I will spare you the deatails.
We spent the rest of the morning with my parents eating hot cross buns, drinking coffee and generally relaxing. It was really nice. Here is a picture of Bea hugging the bunny she got from Todd & Cakey, she loves that bunny!!
Well, George is back in Helena and we are making our way through another week. Can't wait to see him on Friday though. Love you Georgie - we think about you all the time. See you in a few days Babes.
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