I took Friday afternoon off work to spend some last valuable time with George prior to his departure. We went golfing with Bea. Her jogging stroller doubled as a caddy/beer cooler/kid tote. It was alot of fun, beautiful weather. We'd hit the ball, Bea would haul ass down the fairway in hot pursuit. She had a fantastic time getting to the balls before we did, plucking them off the green and dumping them into the hole.

Then we went to Tower Pizza with Ben, Kelly, Grant, Elizabeth & Yon for a little pizza party. Which turned into a full night of drinking and bullshitting with Grant & Bea to entertain each other.
Saturday morning we went for a nice long walk, then George took us to Krispy Kreme for a treat. No sooner did we pull up to the drive through than did Bea starting chirping:
"No-nit! No-nit! No-nut! No-nut!!!"
"No-nut peas?" (doughnut please?)
"Dank do" (thank you)
. . .
silence, silence, silence, silence
. . .
"Mo no-nit peas?" (more doughnut please?)
Me: No Bea, no more doughnut (I don't condone KK for my daughter, but apparently G & B eat them on the sly when I'm at work.
"Dadd-ee! Dad-ee!! Mo no-nit Dadee?"
She has mastered divide and conquer at an early age.
After KK, we went to her friend, Sam's, 3rd birthday at the Missoula Children's Museum.
After we got home Bea went to bed early, and George and I made a nice candlelight dinner and spent some very cherished, and valuable, time together.
THEN.....Doomsday. Today Georgie left for the Law Enforcement Academy.
I mistakenly told Bea that Daddy would talk to her on the phone later, so she kept running and grabbing the phone and asking "Daddee?"
Then her balloon popped (because she bit it) which scared the living shit out of her and left her traumatized for the remainder of the afternoon/evening. She repeatedly returned to the scene of the popping and stared at me in disbelief exclaiming:
Ba-moon...pop?! (balloon pop?) Ah gone, bye-bye.
2-3 mins pass.....
Ba-moon ....pop?! Noo, ba-moon!! Ah gone, bye-bye.
And so the ritual went, over and over and over. The greiving process for the balloon.
To take her mind of Daddy leaving and balloon popping, we called Uncle Al (unca unca unca Al!!!) and dyed Easter Eggs.

We ended the day by having Sunday dinner at Auntie Lollie's with cousin Gabe, Kevin, Uncle Fuzzy (Fuh-hee, as Bea says), Scary Cameron & her favorite Auntie Libby.
Oliver got his chance to shine by pledging to MTPR in "Pet Wars." Ollie's message was broadcast at 10pm and Georgie called me from Helena to tell me he heard it in his little dorm room too! Ollie mentioned that as Bea's big pug-brother he has introduced her to, and indoctrinated her with, daily broadcasts of the Pea Green Boat, on Montana Public Radio. Good little puggy, so socially responsible.
Every day is a Bea-tiful day, even without Daddy.
5 more days until Georgie comes home!!! We love you, love you, love you Daddy!!!