Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Big Day

On two fronts:

1. Bea's first day at the Clark Fork School. www.clarkforkschool.org Every child should have the opportunity to engage in this type of learning. It is a parent cooperative school which focuses on connecting education, nature & community. We are so fortunate to have access to this school. Bea did so wonderful - and the kids were so welcoming. She left her first day with two new, special friends - Lucia & Audrey. As Bea and I discussed, we will still see her old St. Paul friend, Luke, Sophia & Isabella, and she's so lucky to make new friends. Bea met her new teachers, Miss Julee and Miss Jennifer, as well as the class bunny - Applehopper - who gets to hop around the room making friends with the kids.

Today Bea did a still life painting and learned about frogs and seed pods! We are looking forward to this year and kindergarten next year.

2. Today is Election Day. So, it wasn't Hillary, but then again, I'm starting to believe it just may be Obama's time. I am hopeful he will be elected. In the spirit of community service, Bea & I are off to volunteer at the polls, to ensure all voters are protected and able to cast their votes.
Bea is adorned in Obama temp tattoos, but we are still Hill-Girls at heart. When Obama is elected I am confident Hillary's vision for the care of our citizens, particularly children, will be enacted. Regardless, he's earned this in his own right and is a compelling and impressive man. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Finally, we are headed to Ben & Kelly's tonight for our traditional Election Night Dinner. Thankfully, Elizabeth will be there to help me piss Ben off. Yay! Nothing more fun than a raging fight at the Hurshes!!

1 comment:

Elizabeth and Shawn said...

oh how I have missed your posts.