Saturday, February 02, 2008


Today was our first Saturday off as a family in about 3 months. George just switched shifts, so now he has Thursday, Friday & Saturday off. It was simple, and probably in the long run forgettable, but these days are what makes parenting a joy.

I put together "Land of Nod" cinnamon rolls last night. Actually they are a Canadian recipe, thanks to "the Best of the Best" cookbook from George's mom. They rose to massive proportions this morning and eventually got even bigger in the oven, but turned out to the perfect Saturday morning breakfast.

Skeetie slept snuggly between us last night, so pug resorted to being my pug-hat all night. Cramped, but again, perfect. She had spent the last 2 nights w/ NanniePappy, so we all just needed a good 8 hour snuggle-fest.

At any rate, we had cinnamon rolls & green tea smoothies for brekkie, then all piled Ol' Blue, including pug for a day around Missoula. We hit Great Harvest to pick up bread, invaded the Good Food Store for weekly supplies, ran to Target to get Bea a new big-girl booster seat, flew by Loose Caboose for hot chocolates, then drove out to Spurgin Road for some sledding. Sadly we didn't have our camera, but we had a kick-ass time flying down the hill on the purple plastic sled. Twice all of us piled on the sled and freakin' screamed down the hill. One time ending with a snow-wedgie. Soon thereafter we took off for the the Montana Natural History Center to participate in a kiddie-seminar on bird species. Bea huddled around the presenter, a bird-specialist from East Glacier, and was the perfect "little naturalist." Actually, she was fascinated with a flashlight battery that she had found and stowed away in the pocked of her fleece jacket, but regardless, she sat still. That is a fantastic center and I would highly recommend their kid-programs every Saturday.

We then headed home for naps and then made dinner. I found an instant Bea favorite: wild mushroom mac & cheese. She had a penchant not only for edamamme, but also for any type of mushroom, prepared any way. So combining mac & cheese with mushrooms was a delight for her. I'd highly recommend this decadent dish, particularly if you are hell-bent on ruining your healthy eating plan. You can find it at in February's recipes. After a supreme comfort meal we all rolled downstairs to finish the day with a movie. Tucked under a down blanket, on the couch with Frau, Bea & Big Daddy G - is quite simply the best.

1 comment:

Shonna said...

A snow wedgie. Ack! Hahaah!!