To name a few: clam chowder, martini olives, king crab legs, raw garlic (that's not a typo), any type of pasta, with any type of sauce, black bean quesadillas, green beans tossed in olive oil with pine nuts and her favorite snack: pita and hummus. Correction: her favorite food is undisputedly Oliver's kibbles. I must also note that she likes to suck on corks that have been lightly dipped in whichever wine George and I are enjoying.
I also take pride in the fact that she turns her nose up at fake cheese (i.e., kraft slices). She is not your run of the mill "chicken mcnuggets and bbq sauce w/ fries" or "kraft macaroni & cheese" kind of girl. I don't mean this to sound elitist; rather, one of my aggravations is when parents say, "he just won't eat anything but cheerios and peanut butter!!" In fact, a woman I work with professed that her 7 year old son is being treated for acid reflux as a result of consuming too much bbq sauce with his mcnuggets. Truly, I had to feign concern for her predicament and suggested serving him cheese pizza without sauce.
Regardless, I am proud as all hell of Bea. We believe this extensive palate of hers may have formed when Gpa Matt gave Skeets her first bite of solid food, which happened to be a very delectable Rum Raisin ice cream.
Without further ado, please enjoy the following Skeets of the Day:

Eating Tuscan Fish Soup, steamed carrots and bok choy with Gma Mary & Gpa Matt

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