Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
The Hills are Alive....

Sunday, September 10, 2006
Greenough, Pet Rocks and a Little Paint

Here she is with our new backyard friends:

Afterwards she enjoyed a nice long hot bath (note the splash of brown paint by her nose, that's as crazy as she'd get) and is now blissfully sleeping the afternoon away w/ Ollie.
Just waiting for George to get home from work. Uncle Al and Sasha are coming over for dinner before they fly back to Seattle, then we're headed to a campaign party for John Tester.
Snug as Two Bugs in a Rug
Saturday, September 09, 2006
We're Back!

Been a very long time since I the interim our family:
- survived George's stint at the MLEA. (Monkey Toes!!)
- Proudly watched our Daddy graduate from the MLEA
- Enjoyed many wonderful days on Flathead Lake at the Meeks Compound
- Transitioned from Elmo into a full fledge "Curey-George" (Curious George) obsession. Hey, at least it's not Bratz or Polly Pocket or some overly-feminized girly shit that has my daughter playing with dolls that are essentially dressed like tweeny-hookers.
- Had a whirlwind long weekend with Grandma & Grandpa Erickson, complete with Osprey baseball and backyard BBQs enjoyed (suffered) in 104 degree heat.
- Celebrated Skeetie's 2nd Birthday, Curey-George style in Bea & Ollie's backyard.
- Met baby Casey Weight for the first time, subsequently planting the seed of "big sister status" in Bea's brain.
- Finally, was a part of an incredibly sincere, beautiful and moving experience: Shonna & David's wedding on the Long Beach peninsula. :)
- Wrapped up Labor Day Weekend by relaxing in our family vacation spot, Cannon Beach, Oregon. Complete with sand, Drop-Top, Pizza-a-Feta, Tolovanna and lots-o-Crab and Chower for Skeetie.
Now we are back in the swing of things. George is enjoying his new job, and I must say, it is the coolest, most impressive, male-jealousy-inducing, job out there. He has the biggest and baddest guns, firetrucks, airplanes and any other toy you could think of at his disposal. To top it off, it is relatively low-stress, low-key, and best of all he has the benefit of working with very nice, considerate people. To say I am extremely proud and grateful is actually an understatement.
Another milestone....Bea has nearly finished her potty-training. The kiddo is amazing. Donna, her Norwegian-surrogate-grandmother-babysitter actually got the ball rolling and did a fantastic job. We finished up by buying her real panties this week. I actually found Curey-George panties and little panties that have dogs on them. Bea solemnly pledges "Bea do not pee-pee on Curey-George." "Bea do not pee-pee on Curey-George's doggie, Woof-Woof." She is doing great. She makes a definite point to never poop in her panties, she in fact enjoys doing so in the "toitee." At any rate, we're almost there.
All in all, life is good. Fall is near, pug-a-lug-a-ding-dong has been seen sniffing the fall breeze, and we are ready for a beautiful, crisp, Missoula fall. And we all know, with Missoula falls comes trips to the Hamilton House in Victor with the Hurshes and Cunningham/Thomas duo. Yippee for Guiness and fish & chips!! :)