"She's a super-skeet! Super-skeet, she's super-skeetay.." (sung to "Superfreak") I've had that stuck in my head all day.
Had a pretty eventful weekend. The three of us ran in the 'Spring into Action' 5k fun run this weekend. George was competitive. I pushed Skeets in the jogging stroller. I was under the impression it was a paved course. Wrong. It was "cross-country." Heh, poor Skeetie probably has whiplash. That night we had Shawn & Elizabeth over for dinner and watched the Gonzaga game. Bea was a little testy and effectively (and loudly) whined through the first half. But Eliza buttered here up like a piece of toast and away they went. Bea had fun drawing on her doodle pad while using Elizabeth's stomach for a barca-lounger. Eventually she began cooing "Yan, Yan" (Skeetie's Norwegian version of Shawn) and making eyes at Shawn. B,K&G showed up later to finish off the night with a little toilet talk.
We hauled out of bed this morning to go to 8:30 am mass. Skeets was w-i-l-d!!!! George thoughtfully packed her one book to look at during mass, "Animal Sounds." Not an ideal book for church. Bea was flipping through the book hollering, "moooooo!!" "quack, quack, quack" "meeeeoooowwww" "ruff-ruff-ruff" After yanking the book away I told her to QUIETLY point to as many candles as she could find. She had a better idea: find Frau. You know the painfully quiet period, right before the "Our Father"? Skeet's yells (at the top of her lungs) "FFFFwwooooowwww!!! Fwwwoooooooowwww!!!" and craned her neck pretending to look for him. I frantically whispered: "You know Frau's not here! Ssshhhh!!" She looked at me and laughed. "No Fwow."
After we escaped mass, we came home, made brunch, saw Nannie & Pappy, then G,B & I went up to Lolo pass to do some cross-country skiing. It was a great course, nice weather, mildly cranky Skeet.

Came home, made dinner, took a family trip to Target. Bea got two new items, The Curious George soundtrack (soooo good!!! All songs are sung by Jack Johnson, faaar more tolerable than Elmo) and a little step stool. Bad idea on my part. Now she just carts it around the house and elevates herself to areas which were previously off-limits. Oh-well.
(Picture of Bea bundled up and ready to be shuttled around the x-country ski trails)
One more big advancement in the world of parenting. Bea finally weighs enough for her carseat to face forward. Aggh! She's growing up so fast!!
One more thing, I turned the humidifier on in her room tonight and she went shrieking, terrified in the opposite direction screaming "Hot!Hot!Hot!" I had to take it out of her room. She thought the steam was hot. Tee-hee, sort of funny from my point of view.
Every day is an enlightening Bea-utiful Day.